Ocular Rosacea
Ocular rosacea can cause red, itchy eyes and swollen eyelids. Your eyes also might look bloodshot and burn or sting. You might feel like you have a bit of sand in them all the time. A blast of cold air can make them water. And you might see little pimples in the rim of your eye or eyelid called styes. Ocular rosacea can make you easily bothered by light or make your vision blurry. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) has been shown to be an excellent way to manage this condition.

Ocular rosacea can be diagnosed during a slit lamp exam. A classic sign are tiny inflamed blood vessels on the eyelid margin as can be seen in this image.
Ocular Rosacea fortunately can be controlled with different treatment protocols. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) has been shown to be an excellent way to manage this condition.